2010 PurrFurMance Review

2010 PurrFurMance Review

K, This is our review of Alasandra on 2-18-2011 for work done 2010, Reviewed by AFSS

Quantity of output. We will have to give this four paws as she usually post something every day for us. Although sometimes she post embarrassing pictures we didn't want posted and sometimes she does a very rushed job and her efforts aren't to our satisfaction.

Quality of output. Well we thinks this is two swats if we only had hands so we could do the typing we are sure we could be more creative, funnier and just all around better. I mean we are cats and a dog and therefore superior to our poor typist who is only human.

Client participation. We guess this is a four paws. Although she doesn't let us visit our friends enough and she is always rushing our comments so we don't know, maybe it should be a two swats instead. Well since the poor dear just had a birthday we suppose we will stick with the four paws.

Participation - we has to give her four paws for sure on this. We have gotten to enter lots of contest this year and she has even gotten our entries in early for a change. We are very happy with you on this Mommy.

Client satisfaction - well y'all readers seem to be happy with us, but we don't won't to speak for you. Feel free to leave a comment telling Mommy how you really feel about our blog and how she could do better. We know you thinks we are terrific but her well she is human she could use some improvements. So tell her so......

Overall rating - 4 paws, hey we want her to remember our treats and petting and not be off pouting in a corner cause we gave her a bad review. But we would like to visit more, leave better comments and have more flattering pictures of US posted. Those embarrassing photos need to go.

Sincerely ~AFSS (this was very hard to type with just paws so forgives any typos. It'll be nice to have Mommy to do the typing again)

PS: And Mommy keep in mind this review was for LAST year. You are flunking this year and need to start improving immediately if you wants a decent review for 2011.

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