Mancat Monday ~ Nip Review

Mancat Monday ~ Nip Review

The nice people at The Natural Pet Company  offered to let  us review their pawesome products. Here I am checking out the  Catnip.

 The nip is 100% natural and is very potent. I could smell it even before Mommy opened it. It had me playing like a kitten in no time. I even forgot I had been ill. This stuff is great.

Mommy left the toys in a bag with the nip and boy did they smell good.

The nip smell seems to be long lasting as we could smell the nip on the toys for several days.

And the nip smell is so strong I was able to sniff out the cabinet where Mommy hid the nip.

I just loved rubbing up against the bag and sniffing the nip. Mommy had to take the bag away once Scylla arrived as she would rip it open to get at the nip.  We give this product 8 paws up.  For some reason the doggies weren't impressed with it at all.

Thanks for letting us do a product review The Natural Pet Company . We really enjoyed the catnip. This is our honest opinion and we did not receive any compensation for the review other then the products we tested. Scylla will tell you about the toys Sunday. Now I am going to enjoy a nip induced nap.

~Socks reporting for ATCAD

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