7 P's Meme (Scylla & Charybdis)

7 P's Meme (Scylla & Charybdis)

Here are the rules:In an attempt to get to know fellow bloggers a little better, this new meme was started called the 7 P’s. Fill out the 7 P’s and tag five blogs that you read on a regular basis. Have fun!

Passion: We are passionate about fish, we just love eating fish for supper.

Purpose: Our purpose is to make Mommy & Daddy happy, and to play all day (except when we are napping).

Pursuit: We are pursing knowledge. We also pursue bugs and other insects.

Position: Mommy says we are like limp spaghetti when we lay in her lap. We can twist into almost any position you can imagine (is that a good thing?).

Pummeling: Scylla loves to pummel Socks and we both enjoy pummeling each other.

Progress: We have made lots of progress since coming to live with Mommy, we eat solid food, we use the litter box, and we blog sometimes. Aren't we smart kitties?

Personality: Scylla is very BOSSY, Charybdis is a PARTY ANIMAL and Mommy says we are both very inquisitive.

Here are 5 bloggers Mommy reads on a regular basis.

  1. Mother Crone's Homeschool
  2. Cocking A Snook! ( we just love the name is sounds like something to play with).
  3. The Educational Tour Marm (traveling sounds like so much fun, except when you are traveling to see a special vet).
  4. Ramblings, Rants & Remedies
  5. Daisy The Curly Cat (here is a link to Daisy's Meme That's a lot of P!)

Mommy said it was really hard to pick 5 blogs cause she reads and likes a lot more then that.

We have never had catnip before. Socks said that Mommy used to get it for him and Whiskers but that Whiskers got so hyper Mommy was afraid he would have a heart attack. We asked Mommy to get us some, but she said we are hyper enough (Mommies sure can be mean).

Life From A Cat's Perspective.: Meme Friday-7 P's and CatNip (Hat Tip)

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