The Cats' Diary

The Cats' Diary

September 1, 2007
In case you wonder why Scylla's name is aways first, it's because she is the boss.

Mommy says we are very spoilt kittens. We have no idea why she says this. We have been having fun this morning sitting in the jungle gym. Mommy put a hummingbird feeder in the Sycamore Tree next to the jungle gym and we like watching the hummingbirds come drink out of it. Mommy says we have to leave them alone, she would be very angry if we caught one. We think they might be too fast to catch anyway. Daddy got a picture of them.

We got in trouble for trying to catch a fly. Mommy said if we had caught the fly it would have been OK, she doesn't like flies; but knocking over her African Violet that was sitting in the window, and running into her curio cabinet wasn't OK. I wonder how she expected us to catch the fly without making a mess, they aren't very considerate insects.

Mommy also says we are very annoying at supper time. We really like our supper, Mommy gives us fish, so we get really excited and tell her to "hurry up" and "feed us noooooow" and we jump up and dance around (which she thinks is silly). She says we should emulate (whatever that big word means) Socks and sit quietly at our bowl until she gets the food out there. He is a very patient cat, he is even patient with us.

She likes it when we come in first thing in the morning and make a chirping noise because we are happy to see her and she likes it when we purr when we sit in her lap. We purr a lot because we are very happy kittens.

We think our human brother Shining Celebi has the purr-tist room in the house. He has cats on his bedspread. He is away at college a lot so we don't get to spend much time in his room. When he is home we like to get in his laundry baskets and explore the bags of goodies Mommy buys for him to take back to his dorm room. We think she spoils him more then us.

We are going to go take a nap now, we will write more in our diary later ~Scylla & Charybdis

September 2, 2007
Yesterday evening we got some treats and balls from Sergeant's. The balls are really fun to play with, we gave Socks the blue one since he is a guy and me and Scylla are sharing the yellow, green & pink ones. Mommy says they are a very nice company because they reimbursed us for the vet bills and the cost of the flea treatment we were allergic too, plus they sent us presents. Here is what happened Mommy & Daddy put some flea treatment on the back of our necks like the instructions on the package says to do. It burned and where they put the treatment started swelling, we were rolling around on the floor trying to get it off and I was panting a lot (Scylla even panted a little). We were yeowling (is that a word? it's so hard to describe cat words in human English) to let them know something was wrong. They rushed us to the veterinarian ( we call it the bad place, but we know it's really not). The veterinarian had to shave our fur off (which made us look funny, we didn't like that at all) and give us baths and we had to have shots to make the swelling go down. Our veterinarian that treated us, Dr Mullen, is very nice. He called Sergeant's and asked them what we needed to do to get reimbursed and he wrote a letter to them telling them what happened. He has a new job now. He will be working at MSU, I hope I get to see him again when Mommy & Daddy take me up there for my cardiac ultrasound. Mommy went to his going away party. I think we would have liked the party, Mommy said they had food and that everybody was in regular clothes. She said Dr. Wilkerson (who is the other veterinarian, and who is really nice to us) has a fountain there now and a little patio where you can sit outside. ~Charybdis

This is so funny I just have to tattle. Mommy went to feed us our fish. I have been trying my best to be a good girl and emulate Socks, even thought it is really hard, but Charybdis is too impatient. Tonight it was taking longer then usual because there were ants in our food bowl and Mommy had to dispose of them before she could feed us. Charybdis jumped up and whacked her on the behind. Daddy thought it was so funny he was rolling on the floor laughing (OK, I am exaggerating a little but he did think it was funny), Mommy on the other hand was not amused. ~Scylla

I don't talk much (Who can get a word in edgewise with the girls around anyway?), but Scylla insisted I tell you this story. When Daddy & Mommy remodeled the Family Room they just had carpet in there for awhile and no furniture. Anyway Mommy was laying on the carpet reading a book and Daddy was laying on the floor playing with Whiskers (I was sitting near Mommy watching). Whiskers got mad because Daddy was winning the game and he stalked over to Mommy and bit her on the behind. Daddy thought it was so funny, he still laughs about it. Apparently Mommy doesn't have a sense of humor because she wasn't amused at all. Whiskers just wanted her to make Daddy play nice and let him win the game. ~Socks

September 3, 2007

People eat some weird stuff. Mommy was cooking supper for the humans (I don't know why she doesn't cook for us, we are much nicer). The grilled chicken smelled really good so we were hoping she would give us a taste. She gave us a little bit of chicken and it was yummy. Then she put something in our bowl that looked like baby snakes. We didn't know if we were suppose to play with it, attack it or eat it. Mommy thought it was funny when we fuzzed up and batted at it. She said it was spaghetti and that it wasn't alive and that it never had been. She said it was made from flour. We gave it a try, it tasted OK, but humans certainly eat some funny looking stuff. ~Scylla & Charybdis

September 5th
Daddy & Mommy have taken Charybdis to MSU. Socks and I are lonely without her. But Lord Epa is taking good care of us. Mommy said to tell everyone she will post an update on Charybdis' condition ASAP ~Scylla

- Product Review ~ Cat Quest
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- Note From Charybdis
Everyone thank you so much for your purrs and good wishes. I am feeling much better. Mommy is feeling a little better too. She says if she could lay around sleeping all day she would probably feel as good as I do, but somebody has to take care of us....

- Twins On Tuesday ~bedtime
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- The Cats' Diary
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- Charybdis' Tale
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