8 Month Old Baby Blogger In the Running For New Blog in Those Other HSBA, After Big Sister is Disqualified

8 Month Old Baby Blogger In the Running For New Blog in Those Other HSBA, After Big Sister is Disqualified

Wow, I always knew homeschoolers were superior intellectually, but this homeschooling family exceeds all expectations. Their 8 month old baby has her own blog. From Get In, Hang On

Well, I have found a baby, less than a year old, that tops the muscle man. Why? you ask….Well, this child is so amazing that she already is reading and writing!How do I know? you ask. Well, because she has a BLOG! And her mother and 2 oldest sisters have said that they were going to respect the new rules of the HBA and withdraw any blogs that they write from consideration. AND THIS ONE IS STILL IN THE RUNNING FOR NEW BLOG! So this wondrous child must be writing it all by her 8 month old self!!

Somehow, I am just finding out. The major news sources are letting me down big time here. The Raspberry Pixie Muffin (which I am linking to for my readers convenience), shows great promise considering it's author is only 8 months old. Not only can she read and write, but she has mastered uploading photographs. This is an amazing feat for one so young. If you want to vote in those "other" HSBA she is still in the running for New Blog. I do question the wisdom of letting a child so young lose on the Internet, but I am sure her family has tons of filters installed that wouldn't let anything inappropriate pop up on the little raspberry's monitor.

Her big sister SuperAngel (aka Amanda) is a bit put out that she was disqualified.

As I am sure you have noticed(actually I hadn't), I was removed from the (other) Homeschool Blog Awards (Nobody nominated the poor thing for the AHSBA - see side bar to vote for your favourite blog).

As was
Mom, Jocelyn and all the other HSBA team members. It seems that some people just can't stand that the best bloggers in the blogosphere not only head up the HSBA, but were also in the running for the awards. Therefore, "they", the disgruntled sour losers, not only were bashing the whole HSBA team, more specifically Sprittibee, but "they" also had to bring in legalities.

Apparently when she is the one being excluded 'it's not fair', 'it's because of disgruntle sour losers' , 'it's no longer noble' .
The HSBA's were made up to award the best (Christian Bloggers) among us (Gays, Lesbians, Atheist, and anyone who doesn't have a family friendly G rated blog is excluded). They are for the people, by the people. We, "HSBA team", do not pick the winners of each category (we merely pick who you will have a chance to vote for). You the people do. Yes, there is a chance we could cheat, but you know from reading our blogs that doing that would not be in our character.

Hmmmmmmmmm.....let me think about that.
What really upsets me is that it couldn't just be a fun awards without all the fine print. I mean, who really wants to be in an awards election with all that fine print to read beforehand?? It saddens me that it had to come to this.

Excuse me, but it was the HSBA team (which SuperAngel is apparently a part of) that started making all the rules, deciding what homeschool bloggers were 'good enough' to be nominated for their award. The fact that they were excluding some wonderful homeschool bloggers because they didn't care for their lifestyle or personal beliefs is what stirred up all the controversy. Personally I don't think they did it maliciously, I think it was a thoughtless act that came back to bite them. Now that other HSBA is so mired in controversy it's meaningless.

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