Update 2008 Brillante Weblog Award

Update 2008 Brillante Weblog Award

We are so honored Shadow & Molly gave us this award.

The rules for the Brillante Weblog Award are as follows:

This is the really hard part because there are so many blogs that we would like to give this award to and we can only pick 7. So we will confer over the weekend and name the seven blogs next week.

Cindy over at Rosehaven Cottage had a great idea for handing out awards. She said "I have a really hard time passing awards along to people because I don't like leaving anyone out. So these awards go to everyone listed in my sidebar. If you're in my sidebar, it's because I love your blog and your spirit that shines through there!"

Well we understand that sentiment completely so we are going to be copycats. If you are in our sidebar we think you deserve this award, cause it means we enjoy reading your blog.

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