A Day in the Life...

A Day in the Life...

Sammy, aka "Bad Sammy" (not really bad....just a little naughty)
requested that I show you a typical day in his life.

I'm not sure there has ever been a happier farm dog than Sammy.
Every day is filled with adventure for this little "dude."

From running and playing with Oakley...

to visiting with all of his friends...

Sam packs more activity into one single day than any living being that I know.

He can run for miles and miles... hours and hours of endless exercise...
without tiring.

At the slightest hint of a fun activity, Sam is ready to participate!

He loves long walks in the woods, where he runs with abandon,
nose to the ground....

finding the lingering scents of animals that passed that way before him.

He plays roughly, sounding like a junk-yard dog.

When circumstances call for gentleness,

he is the perfect gentleman...

kind and patient and tolerant.

The book of Sammy's life has several chapters.
From a pup, found wandering in the woods with his brother...
to an animal shelter where he was rescued by my son, Andy...
he lived his first two years in North Carolina
before moving to the farm two summers ago.

Sammy is a high energy dog and is not happy in a neighborhood situation.
Living in Andy's townhouse, he was destructive when left alone.

He is the best farm dog, ever....
never destructive,
respectful of the other animals,
a great predator hunter,
and at the end of the day.... a lap dog, cuddle bug!

And with all that activity...

he sleeps like a rock!

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