Sammy The Love Sponge

Sammy The Love Sponge

Not much happening on the farm today...

waiting for the rain!

Each afternoon when I finish the afternoon feeding and chores,
I try to take a little time to sit in one or more of the animal enclosures
for a little one on one time with them.

Spending this quality time with each animal helps increase the trust that they have in me...
not to mention that it is so very peaceful and fulfilling for me.

I sat against the donkey fence and watched the interaction



and the donkeys.

"Love kissing those donkey noses!"
Sammy loves all of the farm animals.

Basically, Sammy is a love sponge...
always looking for somebody to pay him some attention.

He is a special boy, who plays hard, runs hard, fights hard, and loves hard!

PS:  I've just started an online course through the University of Illinois
entitled "An Introduction to Sustainability".
This course was offered through a great website called
It offers many online courses for free.
I will share a little with you as I go...
for I know this course will light a fire in my soul!

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