A Day Off

A Day Off

"My goal in life is to become the kind of person my dogs think I am."
My dogs love me.
Today they love me more than usual.
This is why....

Yesterday I had my first day off of farm work in a month.
Jim, our neighbor, who was out of commission for a month
returned for his Wednesday work day...
freeing me up to get a bit of Christmas shopping (hence the bag of balls)
and get some Christmas decorating done.

"Ruff, ruff, ruff.....ruuuuuufffffff..... Errrr...Woof !"


"Balls....the most-est, funnest thing in the whole world....Let's play!"

Lucky for the dogs, Hubbs came home early and treated them to a 
rowdy game of fetch.

Maddie, our biggest gal, plays catch.
(too much running is hard on her joints)

Sadie just enjoys the cooler weather.
Her disinterest in balls illustrates the fact that in her mind she's "not a dog".

Hickory's playing days are over.
She is content with a little fresh air...just passing time until her next meal.
(lives for food!)

Playtime is heaven for Oakley and Sam.

So since I had the day off, I did a little decorating around the farmhouse.

The tree in the kitchen....
sitting in an antique nail bin from an old hardware store...

decorated with snowflakes and snowmen...

Snowflakes over the island...

The kitchen window....

the warm glow of a snow-covered farmhouse....

Mr. and Mrs. Santa....

The living room tree...

silver and white snowflakes...

mercury glass ornaments....

The dining room center piece in an antique sieve.

A homemade quilt hangs in my kitchen at all times...
and is changed with the seasons.

Today it's back to farm work as usual.
The temperatures have plummeted...
winter has arrived.
The rest of the Christmas preparations will be done in the little
snippets of time between farm chores.
Today....the fireplace mantle.

PS....To all "lurkers":  Keep lurking!  I write this blog to be read.
My goal is to spread smiles.
If I succeed and you keep coming back, I am happy.
If you leave me a comment or an email....you make my day.
If not....well, that's ok, too!

Keep smiling and have a great day!

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