The Colors of the Season

The Colors of the Season

Greys, browns, blacks and tans...
tis the season for monochromatic vistas.

Such is the countryside as we enter the dreary, drab season called Winter.

This was the scenery as I drove to town to see Tyler and his Mommy yesterday.

Reportedly, our fog and rain are to be replaced by snow in the very near future.

In spite of the weather,
it was wonderful to spend some time with my little buddy, Tyler.

Because it was my day off...and away from the farm,
I have no new pictures of the animals.
Instead I will share a bit more of the Christmas cheer from inside the farmhouse.

The fireplace mantle announces its welcome...

On the hearth is an antique medical bag that I found years ago.
And being a snowman collector, myself, I just had to have it!

A few favorite snowmen grace the other side of the hearth....

Nasty weather gives me a little extra time indoors for sewing, and crafts, and decorating.
I rekindled the joy of cutting paper snowflakes.

A little glitter and glue, and they were just right to hang from the old barn ladder
in my sewing room....

Finishing a couple sewing projects, wrapping gifts, and baking cookies
are all that is left in the preparation for the holidays.
A crackling fire, the sound of Christmas music, and all of the decorations
will be the perfect backdrop for finishing these tasks.
How wonderful it will be to not be so rushed as Christmas draws nigh.

And even better if all this rain and fog
becomes a beautiful white winter wonderland!!

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