A Fowl Tail....

A Fowl Tail....

"The corn is as high as an elephant's eye
And it looks like it's climbing clear up to the sky.

Oh, what a beautiful Mornin'
Oh, what a beautiful day."
Yes, this year the corn is growing faster than ever...
thanks to the abundant rainfall we have been experiencing.

It rained (hard) all Saturday.

Sunday morning, though moist and cloudy, was a welcome break from precipitation.
We need a little sun to dry things out.
The flowers are a little be-draggled and need to perk back up again.

Everything is lush and beautiful, though.
I'll take abundant rain over drought any day.
And for those of you in the West who only dream of rain...
I would gladly share ours with you if I could!

Even without rain, it would have been a rather fowl weekend on the farm.
It's a tall long "tail", but I will try to recount it as best I can.

It all began last week, when Old Kenny Rogers was taken into the witness protection plan.

You see, Kenny turned State's evidence...
testifying against mob boss Tom "The Bomb" Turkey and his sidekick Chuck
aka "Lucky Chuck".

It seems these two have been running a multi-million dollar gambling ring
out of the henhouse,
with the protection of a small army of thugs (seen here running away from the camera
so as not to be identified).

Guinea Gus, Guido, and Giuseppe, along with their henchmen,
(and a couple of tough dames as well) have provided protection for Tom and Chuck 
while they've been running the stakes.

It seems this pair of bookies has been selling wagers on everything from
"daily number of eggs laid" to "daily rainfall".

A long investigation proved fruitless until just last week.
Milford wasn't talking...

but his face said it all...

"guilty as charged".

Roy Boy, surrounded by his bevy of beauties, 

claimed innocence.

(What secrets lie behind those eyes?)

It wasn't until Kenny Rogers offered his testimony,
that a crack came in the case.

He was heard saying...

"You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em...
know when to walk away...
know when to run..."

And so, now Ole Kenny goes by the name of "Bruce" and is destined to live out his days 
solitarily, in the barn...
in the company of the cats.


"Every gambler knows that the secret to survivin'
is to know what to throw away and what to keep.
'Cause every hand's a winner and every hand's a loser,
and the best he can hope for is to die in his sleep!"

As for Sir Elton John...
all signs point to his innocence.

His days are spent in blissful ignorance...patrolling the pumpkin patch!

Elsewhere on the farm...
A dozen of the chickens who got their start in April
are moving on to a new home, a new farm.
Hubb's coworker and his family just moved into their farm and are starting
their chicken flock with a Baker's Dozen of the April chicks.

Best luck to Nick and Sam and Ben with their new charges!
It is my hope that Aunt Kristin (formerly known as PJ)
Phyllis and Freida (Lay) give you many happy years of tasty, free-range eggs!
Ps....if you'd like to see more of our wedding photos from last week,
check out my step-mom's blog

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