
Meet Guido.

(Guido Corleone)
Guido came to Bee Haven by way of Sicily.
He's the "Boss".....head of "the family."
(In other words, he is the farm mafia Godfather!)

He and his two brothers spend their days running all over the farm...

dominating the chickens and the turkeys.

They've been overheard saying...
"You want protection?  We can give you protection.
But protection ain't free.  You gonna have to pay for it."

"You don't wanna pay for protection?  Then you gonna pay
some other way.  We know where you live." 

When their not shaking down the other birds,
they spend their day patrolling their territory.
God forbid a stranger sets foot in their turf...
they send out an alarm that would scare anyone away.

I've come to the conclusion that what guineas lack in brains,
they make up for in brawn.

If you've ever had guineas, you know exactly what I mean!

You won't catch Rod getting in their way.
No sir, Rod keeps his girls safe and sound at the barn.

White faced black Spanish and silver duck wing phoenix hens...
a couple more of Rod's gals.

Our crazy birds are a constant source of entertainment.
And after reading this post, you may well have decided that I spend
too much time alone... or maybe too much time with the birds!

- A Fowl Tail....
"The corn is as high as an elephant's eyeAnd it looks like it's climbing clear up to the sky. Oh, what a beautiful Mornin'Oh, what a beautiful day."Yes, this year the corn is growing faster than ever...thanks to the abundant rainfall we have...

- Guineas On The Fence
Is your world a little quiet?Do you long for a little excitement?Consider adding a few guineas to your world! This is a quiet as they get... I swear, guineas talk all the time.If only I understand their little bird-brained language.This noise is nothing,...

- The Tale Continues....
I am hoping that if you are reading this post, you have read along all week.I thought I might tie up a few loose ends. First of all....number six.Has continued to spend his days with the gals,his nights back with the frat pack. He is one happy rooster.Has...

- Bird Brains
So many times in any given week, I wish I knew more about animal behavior. You would think with as much time as I spend with them,I would understand them better. The dogs are no problem....I understand them perfectly. The horses and goats...don't...

- Another Sad Tale
It is a good thing that the happy tales way outnumber the sad tales....or this farm life would be unbearable. As a result of too many unhappy guinea tales, I have come to a critical more guineas. This past weekend was just too sad. The...

