A Give-Away....

A Give-Away....

I am hosting a give-away (tongue in cheek).
The prize:  lots and lots of rain clouds, some thunder, and a large portion of lightening.
Just kidding...
however, I would love to share if you need any of the above!!

With the exception of the beautiful Monday afternoon that I enjoyed with the pups,
we have had rain, rain, rain this week...
two and a half inches yesterday.
Once again, the pond is overflowing its banks,
the front pasture is a swamp,
and the turkeys are sad and soggy.

Luckily for the goats, the sun came out for 10 minutes yesterday afternoon...
just long enough for them to enjoy their dinner,
and to save me from having to provide room service!

Ok, girls, there are enough bowls for everyone,
you don't have to all eat out of the same bowl!

Isn't Spider handsome?

This is the only time I can get close to Stella,
while she is eating.
She is one very wary goat.

And Audrey, "Tawdry Audrey" because she is the only 
colorful one amongst the Nigerians.

These poor critters had just enough time to eat their dinner,
and the rain started again.
We might never dry out at this rate!

Arena construction update....
Day 2: no change.....too soggy!

Rather than feeling blue about the weather,
I've been using this rainy week to do a little Fall decorating.

The dining room table...
pumpkins, leaves and dried peppers in an antique sifter.

My collection of scales each has an arrangement of gourds and sunflowers.

The fireplace....


Oh, how I love changing the decor of the house with each passing season.
I think I like Fall the best!

If this rain keeps up,
I will have much more to show you!

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