Ten Minutes of Sunshine

Ten Minutes of Sunshine

Do you know why this goat is smiling?

You might guess, from the food on his bottom lip, 
that he is smiling because it is dinner time.
And you would be half right.
The special thing about this particular dinner time,
is that for the first time in 5 days it wasn't raining!

Yes, we had a 10 minute break yesterday afternoon,
and the sun came out.
Jack's sister Jill was smiling as well...
also with food on her bottom lip.

I really must talk to these two about their manners!

Yes, for the first time in 5 days, the goats emerged from their houses.

Here are the "boys" waiting for their supper...

During the rain, they stay in their houses,
sometimes two in a house,
and munch on hay (and then poop in their houses).
A little house cleaning will be necessary when the rain is finished!

I found this little guy trying to escape the rain in our garage yesterday...

Escargot, anyone?

I had a request for a picture of the front of our guest house....

I love this little cottage.
It has a small kitchen, living room and full bath on the first floor,
and a sleeping loft on the second.
It is toasty warm in the winter with a small wood stove
(although it has electric heat also).

Oh, and in case you were wondering if there is any new drama
in the guinea world....
Things remain status quo.
Guido and Giuseppe are still on the outs with Gus.
They spend all of their time with the turkeys.

Meanwhile Gus hangs out around the barn,
pretending to be a chicken.
(He hasn't fooled anyone!)

I sure wish I knew what caused this awful rift in the family.
We might never know...no one is talking!

And our little Leo...
well, he has ventured out of the hayloft
 and down the steps to the first floor of the barn.

"My, what big ears you have!"

"The better to hear you with Mama dear."

I think I am in "kitty love"!

We have had terrible flooding in Central Pa. this week.
Our main river, the Susquehanna, has overflowed its banks,
sending thousands to higher grounds.
We are very lucky that our farm sits on high grounds.
Our thoughts and prayers are with those who are not so lucky.
We are to get more rain today,
so the worst of the flooding is yet to come.

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