A Little "Catch-Up"

A Little "Catch-Up"

We've had four days of summer festivities.
Four days of fun.

Our Fourth of July picnic in the pavilion was a blast.

The food.....oh the food....
Our smoker was working overtime...
filled with ribs and chicken.

We had four days of hot, humid weather.
A rain storm brought the weekend to a close.
It's a good thing, because...
this morning I won't need to water the garden.

And the garden...oh the garden.
Best garden of my life.
This is a typical day's harvest...

Those little green pumpkin looking squash are round zucchini.
They are yummy, and perfect for making little bowls to stuff!

What fun we are having eating all these fresh veggies and fruit.
Today's job will be to turn about 6 lbs of blueberries into jam.
Blueberry Lime Jam!

From time to time I get questions about Moonbeam and whether I am riding.

Sadly, Moonbeam and all of his "little" friends remain lawn ornaments.
Trust is still the issue.
And the older I get, the more imperative trust becomes.
Injury is just not an option.
My life is too busy... there is no room for injury.
So many have suggested that I sell Moonbeam and look for a trusty ride,
but, seriously....

How could I ever sell this big sweetheart?
He is part of a family, a herd.
He's here to stay...
to live out his life with the rest of the herd
(who are all rather inseparable.)

There is something comforting to me about watching my horses.
I love the way they communicate with each other...
nonverbally, sometimes even extra-sensorily.
They are such peaceful creatures.

So, if I never ride again, I won't spend any time lamenting.
Instead, I will enjoy every day in the company of my equine family.

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