His Best Side

His Best Side

On my rounds yesterday afternoon,
I stopped by the brooder house to check on the chicklets.
To my amazement, the peeps were all gone.
Every last stinkin' one of them...gone.
And in their place, 36 crazy adolescents...
running about and practicing their clumsy take-offs!

I swear, in two weeks time these little ones have grown like weeds.

Now gangly, awkward, not quite comfortable in their own skins...
they are much like adolescent children.

Now here is where I need your help.
Do you see this black (grey) and white bird in the foreground?

Do you have any idea what type of chicken this is?
(S)he is unlike any I have ever had.
There are three of these, and for the life of me I have no idea.
So, any help you can offer would be appreciated!

Each day I try to get as many animal pictures as possible,
but some days I get no cooperation.
Case in point:

Me:  "Moonbeam, I would really like to get a nice photo of you."

Moonbeam:  "I'm busy."

Me:  "Come-on Mr. Beam, just one nice head shot."

Moonbeam:  "Eating......"

Me:  "Oh, come on...there's only hay dust left."

Moonbeam:  "Gotta.  Get.  Every.  Last.  Morsel... Num-num-nummmmm...."

Me:  "Come on, Bud, just one nice smile?"

Moonbeam:  "How's this?"

Me:  "Not exactly what I had in mind.  Could you put a little more effort in it? "

Moonbeam:  "This?"

Me:  "Oh, for the love.....  Now, that just might be your best side, today!"

Moonbeam:  "Ok, you asked for it!"

Me:  "Arggggghhhhh!  I give up!"

And that's how it goes... some days.

PS:  Annie V.....I cannot seem to find your email address.
Could you email me?

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