A message for our friends

A message for our friends

We visits your blogs but we can't comment on some of your blogs. If the comments are set up as a pop up our anti virus software will not let us leave a comment/ maybe it is blogger. We misses being able to talk to you and even if you don't hear a meow or woof from us we are thinking about you. We tries to tweet or FB our friends that have that option in their side bar. The rest of you we just try to contact with ESP, but it doesn't seem to be working to well for us. Maybe we need to nap concentrate more.

- Meowy Christmas & Howling New Year
We want to give this e-card to all our devoted readers, so please help yourself to our E-card for your blog, by right-clicking and saving to your photo file. If you have a problem downloading it just email us or leave a comment with a way to email you...

- We Are Doing A Giveaway!
Clean + Green has offered to sponsor a giveaway for us. We will choose Three winners and each lucky winner will receive ONE can of Clean+Green Dog & Cat Carpet & Upholstery.Y'all may remember how handy that came around here recently. So...

- Charybdis On Tuesday
I am feeling playful. I have been playing with our ball and blue mousie. The blue mousie has me pinned. But in the end I pin the blue mousie. Please say an extra prayer for Jackson today.We have been trying to think of a way to help our furr friends...

- Mimi's Message In A Bottle Meme
Message In A Bottle Meme 1. Compose a message to place in your virtual bottle 2. Right click and Save the graphic at Mimi's. 3. Use a graphics program of your choice to place the message on the picture 4. Post the meme and these rules on your blog...

- 6 Things Meme
I've been tagged by The Mocha Mom. First, the rules:(1) Link to the person that tagged you.(2) Post the rules on your blog.(3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.(4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking...

