Charybdis on Tuesday

Charybdis on Tuesday

I am feeling playful.

I have been playing with our ball and blue mousie. The blue mousie has me pinned.

But in the end I pin the blue mousie.

Please say an extra prayer for Jackson today.

We have been trying to think of a way to help our furr friends and their beans that need help and we finally came up with something. Mommy got several nice compliments on the layout of our blog and the layout Socks had her do for his girlfriend MoMo. So for those of you who use blogger (sorry Mommy isn't familiar with how any of the others work) if you would like Mommy to help decorate your blog (as long as you understand her abilities are very limited) she will. If you like what she is able to do all we ask is that you help a furr friend or their bean. If you are interested you can leave a comment here with a way to contact you or you can email osso(at)cableone(dot)net, please put Alasandra Blog Design in the subject line. Mommy will answer them in the order we receive them. Please be patient Mommy is very poky. If you email and you don't hear from us in a few days please leave a comment on our blog as the bad SPAM filter sometimes eats our mail. ~Charybdis

PS: Here is a list of some of the layouts Mommy has done so you will have an idea of what she can do.

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