A New Friend

A New Friend

Doeling:  "Hey, Mom, look!"

Doeling:  "I think I found a new friend!"

Missy:  "Be careful, little one, that's a dog!"

Doeling:  "What's a dog, Mom?"

Doeling:  "Hey, Dog, wanna play?"

Sammy:  "Sure wish I could, but I'm on the outside of this fence."

Sammy:  "Mom.....please let me in to play with the babies!

Sammy would sit for hours and just watch the baby goats.
Oh, and he'd give his tail to be able to play with them.

"Maybe soon, Sammy.
For now, though, we don't want to upset their Mama."


There is another sign that Spring is just around the corner!
The ducks are laying!!

Eggs, that is!
Every morning, when I stop to feed them,
I find a handful of freshly layed, tasty eggs.
Did you know that duck eggs are wonderful for baking?
They give cakes a better rise!
And there is nothing fluffier than a duck egg omelet.


I finished the pickets for my bunny fence,
and started new ones for a gnome/fairy fence...

tiny gnomes holding lanterns and toadstools!

Now... to build the fence and put it in my flower garden....
and wait for the flowers.
It won't be long, now!

Today's Sustainability Link...

Farm Life at its Best

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- Friends
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- A Little Surprise
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