

By now you may have figured out that our Sammy is the best farm dog ever!
He has such respect for all of the animals...
(ok, well, he does like to play chase with the horses....
but then I think they like it just as much as he!)
I even think he feels a great affection for all of the other species.

As you've seen, he loves the donkeys and the pigs.
But the baby goats....
oh my, Sammy just can't get enough of the baby goats!

Sadly, for him, his visits are limited to the opposite side of the fence.

He would love to come inside the fence and play with these lively creatures,
but he is forbidden, as this would cause the Mamas too much stress!

He sits ever so still, with pleading eyes, for as long as it takes....

For one of the curious little ones to come over to the fence....

for a quick sniff, or even a little lick....

Alas, the tiny visits are never long enough 
with these youngsters who have the attention span of a gnat!

And they once again scamper off in search of fun...

leaving poor Sammy alone again.

In honor of Spring's arrival,
Ginger and MaryAnn have some salutations to share with you...
Please turn up your volume to enjoy this short video!

PS: Pete has had his first bath and is looking pretty spiffy!
His swelling has gone down considerably...
he may soon be able to go out without his sling.
Things are certainly looking up for this poor fellow!
Happy Spring, Pete!

- Spring Fever...continued
Although Spring is in the air...winter is still on the ground. Our farm is situated on the north side of a gradual slope,so we retain our snow for the longest time.As I drive through the countryside...I watch the fields emerge from beneath the snow.But...

- It's Great To Feel Welcome!
It's late afternoon.The chores are finished.Before heading back to the house to make dinner,I take a moment to visit the pigs. "Hey MaryAnn!" "Hey, Ginger!"  I call. The best of hostesses, they both come running... grunting their "welcome!"......

- Too Close For Comfort
Me: "Hey Ginger, MaryAnn... come out and play.  It's a beautiful day!Ginger:  "Sorry, I just ate.  It's nap time." MaryAnn:  "I'll come out, Mom.  Got any peanut butter celery?" Me:  "No, sorry... just Bobby...

- Spring Has Sprung!
After yesterday's sad tale,I think you deserve a happier post today. Pete is doing well.Becky has been laboriously working on his "owwwie".I sewed him another new sling... with modifications.He is eating hay non-stop. A little time outside to graze...

- Equi-canine Playtime
With help like this, who needs farmhands?? Every morning and evening as I clean up after the horses,Sammy and Ollie play their favorite game.It's a universal game for children of all species, all over the world. Known to most of us as "Tag", Sammy...

