A Public Service Announcement from Daisy

A Public Service Announcement from Daisy

One way you can help keep cats and dogs safer in a fire is with pet rescue window decals that will alert rescue personnel that pets are inside your home. And you can get them free from the ASPCA. We are going to order some today. Thanks for getting the word out Daisy.

We are very worried about Lilly Lu, Mu Shue, & Iris whose home was destroyed in a fire. We hope they will be discovered safe and sound. Right now they are missing.

- Are You Purring?
We are joining Confucius Cat in Purrs 4 Peace Week 20 Announcement: Forget Gimme Shelter. Gimme a Home. This is particularly dear to our hearts as except for Socks we are all rescues. Socks was rescued from Grandma so we reckons he might qualify as...

- Alasandra's Day
I discovered a new rescue Wednesday. It's housed at Today's Hair's old location. Today's Hair is where I go to get my hair fixed once in a blue moon. The rescue is Gulf Coast Canine Rescue & Rehab located at 2953 Bienville Boulevard...

- We Are Furious With Rainsville, Alabama
We learned about this from Jan at Jan's Funny Farm. Please read her post Carol Crocker's Rescue for more information. A very nice lady in Rainsville, AL (northeast Alabama) has been taking in strays for the county as they do not have a shelter....

- Knock, Knock
Our friends at Camie's Kitties are having a fund-raiser to help Lilly Lu, Mu Shue, Iris and their mom who lost their home in a fire. This is how it works: (Thanks for telling us about it Daisy) ...we would like for everyone to post their favorite...

- Remembering Our Friends
We are purring for Miral's family. Sadly Her Majesty has also crossed the rainbow bridge. Mom Laura's (who is expecting twins) apartment caught on fire when no human was home. She doesn't know what happened to Lilly Lu, Mu Shue and Iris....

