A Rather "Fowl" Tale

A Rather "Fowl" Tale

You left so many wonderful Spring-filled comments on yesterday's post...
it gave me a whole day filled with snippets of Spring.
I love seeing the world through others' eyes...
thanks so much for sharing a piece of yourself with me!

Today's tale is a bit of a sad one.

I try to share the best of farm life with you each day.
However, in order to keep it real,
I have to share the bad as well as the good.

We had a rather "fowl" ordeal earlier this week.
A neighbor's dog visited the farm and went on a killing spree.
We lost about 5 chickens and almost...
(and this is the terribly hard part)
almost lost our beautiful bourbon red turkey, Tom.

He suffered a rather bad injury...
losing all of the feathers down his back and many from his tail.
A couple of small flesh wounds which healed over quickly made him look even worse.

I thought it might truly traumatize him and emotionally scar him for life.
However, after two days' rest in his own enclosed yard,
he emerged as if nothing had happened.

He remains comfortable around our dogs.
(I had feared that he might become frightened of dogs... apparently not.)

He is back to strutting his stuff all over the farm.
Please don't tell him how awful he looks...
I think he doesn't have a clue.
(I put all of the mirrors away.)

Our turkeys have been with us for six years...
I would have been inconsolable if something worse had happened to Tom.

I had a discussion with the (distant) neighbor and she agreed to keep her dogs at home
since they are not farm-worthy.

Amazingly, we have barely any trouble with wild predators and our birds,
so this attack really caught us off guard!

Thank goodness feathers grow back.
By summer Tom should be as handsome as ever!
But for now, he almost looks like the turkeys in the grocery store.

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