Herding Turkeys

Herding Turkeys

Our two bourbon red turkeys, Tom and Chuck, spend their days
patrolling the farm.
For the most part they hang out with the chickens most of the day.

However, if there is any other activity going on,
you can find them in the middle of it.

Every afternoon when I finish the afternoon chores,
I herd the turkeys back to their house and yard,
so that they will be there when the sun goes down.

Herding turkeys after dark is no fun task
and usually requires carrying each 25+ pound turkey back to his house.

Come on....
you can walk along with us...

- Bi-partisan Turkeys
Ordinarily, when there are several turkeys together they are called a flock.However, here on the farm where there are only two,we call it a congress. You see, these two boys are very often on opposite sides of the fence...fighting back and forth. Tom...

- Sometimes They Surprise You
It's almost 9 PM.The sun has set in the west, leaving it's fiery handprint on the sky. It's time to tuck in the animals for the night. Fly masks come off,and rations of hay are doled out. It's time to walk the turkeys back to their home.Ever...

- Who's Who.... Part 4
It seems that everyone that visits the farm is amazed by our turkeys,Tom and Chuck. These two handsome fellows are Bourbon Reds,a heritage breed of turkey.Originally we had ordered 4 just-hatched turkey poults. Only three lived...Tom, Chuck, and Edith....

- Talkin' Turkey
Two years ago we had the idea of raising our own heritage breed turkeys for meat.We thought we would start small,so I ordered a few bourbon red turkey poults from our local feed store. From the very first day, these little birds were quite friendlyand...

- A Strange Work Crew
This past Saturday was a concentrated work day on the farm.With the help of a couple of our "kids", we accomplisheda lot of spring tasks....mulching flower beds with tanbark,mulching strawberry patch (between the rows).planting 5 trees,planting 2 rosebushes,dragging...

