A Tale of Two Kitties

A Tale of Two Kitties

This is an all-too-familiar scene...

Yes, that's Bobby, one of our barn cats, headed up the driveway to the house.
For years now, Bobby has begged to be an inside cat.
And for years we have ignored his pleading.
After all, our barn cats have a great life....
plenty of food, warm beds with headlamps, company.
What more could a cat want?

"To live at the farmhouse," would be Bobby's answer.

Imagine my surprise when the other day I witnessed Bobby dragging his heat lamp up the driveway,
with a can of cat food in his mouth, and his suitcase tucked under his arm.

Yes, that's right.
Bobby has moved to the house...
well, at least to the garage.
He picked out a little corner (right next to Maddie, our Newfie)
and set up the perfect home for himself.
(Maddie chooses to sleep in the garage, as the house is too warm for this cold weather dog.)

Bobby's bed is right next to a door that is equipped with a pet door,
so he can come and go at will.
(The potty is outside!)

He enjoys "meals on wheels" which are delivered to him daily from the barn.

So, why this sudden move to the garage?
Bobby has decided that the barn is equipped for only four cats.
Up to this point there have only been four cats 
(with the exception of transient Moll Flanders).

Now, however, it seems that ole Moll has moved in for good.
She has been in the barn for the past week.
All the other barn cats have adjusted.
Apparently, Bobby's way of adjusting is to move out!

I thought you might enjoy seeing how fluffy Leo has gotten this winter.
He looks like a Buddah kitty!
That is one serious winter coat (I promise, he's not obese!)

So, are you ready for Christmas?
Are you in a mad rush...
or can you just coast through the weekend?
We'll be coasting...enjoying a little quiet time on the farm before the holiday festivities begin.
Hope your weekend is whatever you need it to be!

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