My Cooking Is For The Birds

My Cooking Is For The Birds

All year long I save my bacon and fat drippings in cans.

Then during the winter I dump them into a pot and melt them.
I add whatever is in my pantry...
peanut butter, nuts, seeds, cornmeal, oats, raisins, etc.

I pour this mixture into waxed cardboard containers

and set it outside to chill.

Once cold, I cut these into slices and place them in our suet feeders.

We spend a lot of time and energy making sure our animals,
both wild and tame,
are well fed during Winter's blustery months.

Suet feeders are well attended,
as suet provides great energy and warmth for wild birds.

Of course you already know how pampered our own critters are...
as is evidenced by Bobby (ex-barn cat who moved to the garage)
in his warm spot on wheels!

Bobby spends a part of each day out hunting...
returning to the garage to warm up under his heat-lamp.
Food and water are always available to him.

As for companionship....

well, I think you'd agree he has plenty of that!

I love these interspecies friendships.
Gentleness between two animals who are so different...
yet somehow find common ground.

And then there are humans...more alike than different...
and they just cannot seem to get along!
And we think we are smarter than animals?

- Thankful
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- Weekend Happenings
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- A Tale Of Two Kitties
This is an all-too-familiar scene... Yes, that's Bobby, one of our barn cats, headed up the driveway to the house.For years now, Bobby has begged to be an inside cat.And for years we have ignored his pleading.After all, our barn cats have a great...

- Frosty Morning
I awoke to a clear, frosty morning today....perhaps the coldest yet this year. As I was doing the morning chores, the only sound was the distant "who-who-whowho-who-who-whowho" of a great horned owl. The snow remains on the ground, continuing to make...

- Feathered Friends
We have become quite fond of bird watching at Bee Haven Acres. We keep our bird feeders full and provide nesting boxes for the bluebirds. Quite often we will stand inside the front windows with the spotting scope or telephoto camera lense focused on...

