A Walk On The Wild Side...Week 10

A Walk On The Wild Side...Week 10

I can scarcely believe that 10 weeks have passed since we began our
"Trail-Cam" adventure.
I've got to tell you...
I am having just as much fun now as I was then...
each week anticipating what the cameras capture while we are away from the woods.

I am never disappointed!

At the beginning of this past week, we placed the trail cameras at new locations.
We are always trying to find an area of the woods that gets a lot of traffic.
I think we might have hit the jackpot this week.
No...we did not see a bear.
But I have not lost hope.... I know, with patience, eventually we will see one.

So.... let's have a look at what we did see...
(if you click on any of the pictures, they should enlarge a bit.)

What is that?  4 or 5 sets of eyes way in the distance?
(almost looks like a pack of wolves)


no, wait....five!
The one on the left is a youngster.

I love the daytime photos...but they are scarce.  
The deer stay pretty still during the daylight hours.
Still, every once in a while, somebody gets a little bold.
In the distance...a buck....

However, the squirrels are quite active in the daytime...
most all of the daytime photos are of scampering squirrels.
I have several of this little fellow going up and down and up and down the tree on the left.

The second camera was productive as well.
It seems that this area of the woods is a fox highway....
we either have several fox or one very very busy fox!

3:01 AM....

9 minutes later.....

the next night....

and so on.

There were also a few of these...

And a few daytime photos as well...
Hello there...

It's antlered deer hunting season around here...
so I hope this fellow is staying well hidden in our woods!

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