A Walk on the Wild Side

A Walk on the Wild Side

Week 1... 2015
I moved the trail cams closer to the house last week.

Out through the woodpile trail...

into the friendly forest...

so close to a deer trail, but not close enough.
You can see a doe and her youngsters out in the trees, left of center....

There's a busy little grey squirrel on that fallen log...
(the subject of half of the photos in the camera this week)

And you can see the glowing eyes of a doe left of center in the next photo...
(there were several photos of deer crossing at this area).
Note to self....move camera!

The most noteworthy was this busy (big) raccoon,
who made several appearances throughout the week.

It is in this area that I frequently hear owls.
I am wondering if I might capture an owl in flight at night if I point one of the cameras upward.
I might have to try that.

The second camera sat at the top of a hill...
down in the lower portion of our yard.
This young deer spent a little time hanging out here on New Year's Day....
isn't she lovely?

The next day....
"I smell deer here!" says Annie.

- A Walk On The Wild Side
Well, it is certainly amazing how many more pictures one getswhen the camera is actually turned on!This week's photos from the area where we placed the deer feed blockhad 162 photos.Most, of course, were squirrels coming up to take a nibble. But...

- A Walk On The Wild Side 2015....week 2
Yesterday, after farm chores were complete,the dogs and I headed around to the back of the house... out through the woodpile... the dogs anticipating an adventure... Bobby tagging along. We stopped for a photo session on the wood pile. Such a handsome...

- A Walk On The Wild Side....week 13
This week the trail cams yielded the usual subjects....a lot of does, a single buck, busy squirrels, and a very sly fox (or two).I have decided that I will move the cameras to a location closer to the farm housethis coming week.I am interested in seeing...

- A Walk On The Wild Side...week 10
I can scarcely believe that 10 weeks have passed since we began our"Trail-Cam" adventure.I've got to tell you...I am having just as much fun now as I was then...each week anticipating what the cameras capture while we are away from the woods. I am...

- A Walk On The Wild Side...week 3
After reviewing this week's trail cam images,it's official...we have a lot of deer in our woods...and squirrels! There were no surprises this week...(except Hubbs riding his bike through the woods!) This family of deer showed up several times...

