About Scylla & Charybdis' House

About Scylla & Charybdis' House

We do not have our very own house, so we are going to answer about our Mommy and Daddy's house, like Daisy did.

What kind of soap is in your bathtub right now? In Mommy's bathtub she has Plumeria Body Soap for herself and Irish Spring for Daddy, they just have Irish Spring in the boys bathroom. We like the bubbles Mommy's soap makes.

Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator? No, but Mommy said she wished she did.

What would you change about your living room? Mommy says it needs to be bigger. It is long and narrow, so there isn't much room for furniture. She would like a piano, but we don't have anywhere to put one.

Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty? Clean

What is in your fridge? cheese, milk, juice, eggs, fruit and vegetables.

White or wheat bread? The people eat wheat bread, we have tried it and it is OK. Fish is MUCH better.

What is on top of your refrigerator? Old canisters and a bread making machine.

What color or design is on your shower curtain? In the boys bathroom the shower curtain has a blue background with pink, yellow, and white & black fish and green sea weed. In Mommy & Daddy's bathroom the shower curtain has a goldish background with pink roses, purple butterflies and green leaves.

How many plants are in your home? Two in the house, but there are zillions outside.

Is your bed made right now? No, but Mommy just got up. She is fixing to make it up.

Comet or Soft Scrub? Soft Scrub, but only in the kitchen sink.

Is your closet organized? Organized???? Mommy's closet is fun to play in cause there is lots of places to hide. We don't have a closet.

Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home? Our bowls are plastic. We wished we had a fountain like Daisy, that sounds nice. Mommy said maybe for Christmas. The humans drink out of glass most of the time.

Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now? Yes, it is left over from yesterday.

If you have a garage, is it cluttered? Our garage isn't cluttered. We have our litter boxes in there, and a water and food bowls and a nice cabinet in front of the window for us to sit on. Daddy made us a nice bed there with old blankets. Daddy puts his motorcycle in there and Scylla sleeps on it even though she isn't suppose too.

Curtains or blinds? Curtains

How many pillows do you sleep with? We love pillows so we sleep with as many as we can get. Lord Epa has the best room for pillows, he loves pillows too.

How often do you vacuum? My Mommie might get mad if I tell you how often she vacuums. So, it's a secret. (We think Daisy was very smart to give this answer, so we are going to use it too).

Standard toothbrush or electric? Standard and we have some liver flavored toothpaste. We don't brush very often though.

What color is your toothbrush? Purple

Do you have a welcome mat on your front porch? Yes, it has flowers on it.

What is in your oven right now? Nothing

Is there anything under your bed? There are books under Mommy & Daddy's bed, there is tons of stuff under the boys beds (you can hide really good under their beds).

Chore you hate doing the most? Mommy said cleaning the boys bathroom, cause they are messy.

What retro items are in your home? Lord Epa has a lava lamp in his bedroom, is that retro?

Do you have a separate room that you use as an office? Yes, everyone uses it though so it is very crowded.

How many mirrors are in your home? 5

What color are your walls? Light blue.

What does your home smell like right now? Lavender

Favorite candle scent? We think a salmon scent would be nice. Mommy said plumeria was her favorite scent, so we will pick that, since Mommy insist they don't make salmon scented candles (they should).

What kind of pickles (if any) are in your refrigerator right now? Dill

Ever been on your roof? We haven't but Socks said Whiskers got up there one time with Daddy and Socks gets on the roof of the jungle gym.

How many house phones? 3 cell phones

What style do you decorate in? French Provincial (kind of)

Do you like solid colors in furniture or prints? Both, the couch and chair-n-half is a solid color called camel, Mommy & Daddy have pink roses & blue forget me nots on their bed, Shining Celibi has a blue bedspread with black tuxedo cats and orange tabbies on it, and Lord Epa's bedspread is sapphire with a claret bed-skirt and yellow & green pillows in a style called Watercolors (his room is very colorful).

Is there a smoke detector in your home? Yes

In case of fire, what are the items in your house which you’d grab if you only could make one quick trip? Mommy said she would want to make sure all the cats and people were safe. You can buy more junk, but cats and people are irreplaceable (that means we are special).

We are going to tag anyone who wants to play this game, like Daisy did. It was a fun challenge.

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