House Hunting Horrors

House Hunting Horrors

Frankly I never want to be forced to go house hunting again. Hubby and I knew what we wanted, a 3/4 bedroom, 2 bath house with at least 3 acres (preferably more). What is so hard to understand about that. Since I was a SAHM, we decided I would go look at houses during the week with the toddlers (my kids are 18 months apart in age) in tow while he was at work and IF I saw anything I liked we would go look at it after he got off work or on the weekend.

First there was the snooty real estate agent that insisted on showing me one bedroom bungalows on small lots. I ditched her after the first week. Then there was the geographically challenged real estate agent. While he did at least show us houses that meet our requirements he couldn't seem to grasp the fact we wanted to live in a certain area. Since some of the houses were actually in the area we wanted to live in and all the houses meet our requirements he lasted a bit longer. Finally I found an older lady who actually listened to what we wanted and only showed us houses that meet our requirements and were located in the area we specified. But some of the houses I looked at were real doozies.

Then there was the perfect house that we made an offer on, only to lose it because the real estate agent went out of town without turning in the offer and someone else made a deal before the real estate agent got back.

All in all I consider house hunting a unique form of torture and am happy we have a home even though it did require remodeling. Thanks to Katrina we also had to get a new roof for it, which I failed to mention in my remodeling chronicles. So we now have blue shingles on our roof.

- Our Remodeling Adventure ~part 2
Lord Epa's bedroom was a breeze as all we did was replace the windows, paint, install a ceiling fan (we replaced all the light fixtures in the bedrooms, study, family room and dining room with ceiling fans) and add some shelves. Shining Celebi's...

- Almost There!!
It's hard to believe, but moving day is only one week away. The inside of the house is practically complete....except for some last minute plumbing and electrical hook ups. Unfortunately, our master bathroom toilet is on back order....but at least...

- Construction Update
What a busy week it has been. Our little A-frame guesthouse (and temporary living quarters) is almost finished. The log siding and window trim are done. Hunter green fascia and stone around the foundation are all that are left to be done. The stone masons...

- Construction....slow But Sure
Here are a few pictures of the interior....The walls are framed, and now the plumber and electrician are finishing the roughed in wiring and plumbing. Once that is complete, there is an inspection by the codes office and then the walls are finished. Our...

- Housing Inspector
Apparently, Mr. Squirrel approves of the job we did getting the bird houses cleaned up. He spent a bit of time on this roof chattering and shaking his tail. Perhaps he was trying to lure a mate with this piece of freshly renovated real estate!...

