Alasandra's Book Club ~ The Blight Way

Alasandra's Book Club ~ The Blight Way

Patrick F. McManus is one of my family's favourite authors. His usual genre is short humorous stories about hunting or fishing with his buddies, or the childhood scrapes he got into with his friends. So when he wrote a murder mystery I was eager to give it a try. I enjoyed the adventures of Bo Tulley & "Pap" and hope to see more books about life in Blight with Sheriff Bo Tulley.

- Meme
Repositorio da Marilia passed this Meme on to us. The Rules Answer the eleven questions That the person sent you and create eleven new questions. Choose eleven people to pass this challenge and put the links to Their blogs. Warn the chosen blogs. ...

- Thursday Thirteen ~ Books
Thirteen Books I read April 1st to June 1st, 2008 Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult - This was a book that required a lot of thinking. (Tags: Death Penalty, Organ Donation, Gnostic Gospel) Sword Song (The Battle for London) by Bernard Cornwell...

- Alasandra's Book Club ~ The Deer On A Bicycle: Excursions Into The Writing Of Humor
This is a great book! Patrick McManus' question and answer format is the perfect vehicle for explaining the steps of writing humor. I highly recommend it for inspiring your students to try their hands at writing humor at the very least the book will...

- Interview With Colleen Gleason
As an avid reader I am always on the lookout for new authors, so I was thrilled when I stumbled across Colleen Gleason's blog playing Thursday Thirteen (she is on TT # 25). Colleen has graciously given me an interview. Colleen could you tell me a...

- Alasandra's Book Club - The Bible According To Mark Twain
Book # 2 in the Winter Reading Challenge (No, I haven't read book #1 yet). This is a great book. It contains unpublished manuscripts, short stories that were published in magazines, and some unfinished manuscripts (how rude of Twain to die before...

