

Repositorio da Marilia passed this Meme on to us.

The Rules
Answer the eleven questions That the person sent you and create eleven new questions.
Choose eleven people to pass this challenge and put the links to Their blogs.
Warn the chosen blogs.
Do not return this challenge For those who sent you.
Post the rules.

 The Questions Marilia sent us to answer
1-What country do you live?
  We live in the United States of America on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

2-What places in the world would you like to know? We would like to visit Australia and see SS, Budapest and see Asta and Ireland

3-Who is your family? Well currently we are two cats Socks & Scylla, we are hoping Arty Mouse gets found soon, a dog - Fenris, our Mom and Dad and two boy beans who are both over 21 but still living @ home with us. 

4-What is the best thing that happened to you in life? Becoming a family.

5-Do you have a friend who comes from childhood?  Yes, the Mom has two. One even moved down here and the Mom and Fenris go walking with her.

6-What is the importance of your animals for you?
We are all family and love one another. 

7-What is your biggest challenge? Finding enough time in the day to do everything I want to do. 

8-Three qualities yours. Passionate, Determined, Loyal 

9-Three defects. Stubborn, Opinionated, Perfectionist

10-Do you believe in any religion? Not any organized religion but I do believe there is a higher power. 

11-How I met or got to my blog? MoMo introduced us to you.

The 11 Questions We Created   
  1. What book are you reading? 
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What is your favorite food?  
  4. How do you celebrate Thanksgiving?
  5. What is your favorite flower?  
  6. Who is your favorite author?
  7. What is your favorite book?
  8. What is your favorite time of year?
  9. Where do you live?
  10. Where would you like to visit?
  11. What is your favorite dessert?   
We invite all of our friends to answer our questions. OK we are cats, dogs and a zany human we are not good at following RULES. At least we followed most of them that should earn us some TREATS shouldn't it?

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