Alasandra's Book Club ~The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman

Alasandra's Book Club ~The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman

After reading this intelligent post

Mother Crone's Homeschool: The Golden Compass...yet another panic wave for the religious right

and then this inane letter to the editor;

Fun and fantasy can disguise a dark message

On Dec. 7 a new movie will be released titled "The Golden Compass." This will be advertised as a children's movie, a fantasy, much like the Harry Potter series. This is not the case. "The Golden Compass" is from a trilogy by Philip Pullman. Mr. Pullman is a militant atheist; the purpose of his book and the movie, as well, which has been toned down somewhat so as not to be offensive to believers, is to undermine the Christian faith and promote atheism. (Silly me, I thought it was to make money) It is his hope that parents who are not aware of this and who take their children to see the movie will be moved to buy the trilogy for their children as a Christmas present.

Most atheists promote their ideas through dry academic treatises, but the masses do not pay attention to that. They do, however, pay attention to fantasy and fiction, and this is where Pullman is dangerous; he promotes atheism through a children's story. Parents who wish to protect the faith of their children are advised not to permit them to attend this movie.

HARRY P. MILLER Diamondhead

I decided to read the book for myself. In my humble opinion Christians have nothing to fear from this book. If the children in question are clever enough to decipher the anti-Christian message then I am sure they will be able to apply their own critical thinking skills to decide what they believe.

The main character in the book is Lyra who has a curious prophecy attached to her (which everyone but her seems to know) "she is destined to bring about the end of destiny. But she must do so without knowing what she is doing, as if it were her nature and not her destiny to do it. If she's told what she must do, it will fail; death will sweep through all the worlds; it will be the triumph of despair, forever. The universes will all become nothing more than interlocking machines, blind and empty of thought, feeling, life....."

Other characters in the book

The story ends with Lyra alone (except for her daemon, Pantalaimon) deciding that she has to find 'dust' before her Father & Mother do.

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