Alasandra's Place: Wordless Wednesday

Alasandra's Place: Wordless Wednesday

Alasandra's Place: Wordless Wednesday

- Fenris Friday
First off I wants to thank everyone for purring, crossing paws and sending positive vibes to Socks. We really thinks all of your love and support gave him a fighting chance. We don't know why he got sick yet. He will go to the regular vet Monday to...

- Scafflaw Week ~ Day One For Afss
Mommy says she hopes it is the last day we participate.The hostess for Scafflaw Week is our dear friend Fin over at Housecat Confidential.  We don't have any pictures of our kitty misdeeds as the photographer was too grossed out/busy cleaning...

- Alasandra's Place: Alasandra's Garden
You can see more of our flowers including the Flowering Quince @ Alasandra's Place: Alasandra's Garden ...

- Alasandra's Place: Alasandra's Garden
Mommy shows off the Columbine & Marine Heliotrope @ her blog Alasandra's Place: Alasandra's Garden ...

- Construction Update
An ice storm caused work to stop for today. Here is how the house looked at the end of yesterday. Shortly after this picture was taken, the logs for the second story arrived. They will get these logs into place over the next week. Then, next Wednesday...

