Alasandra's PurrFurMance Review

Alasandra's PurrFurMance Review

Quantity of Output ~ High, we has a post most every day so we guesses we can't complain.
Quality of Output ~ we are divided here. Socks & Scylla give Mommy a Medium. We thinks there are way to many pictures of Fenris on our blog, but overall we thinks she does a pretty good job. Complaining Charybdis gives Mommy a Low. Mommy everybody else has their own day. Socks has Mancat Monday, Fenris has Fenris Friday, Scylla has Scylla Sunday where is MY DAY?????? and I do NOT COMPLAIN. Fenris gives Mommy a High. I am pawsitivily happy with her work.
Client Pawticipation ~ We don't get to visit our friends nearly enough so we gives her a Low.
Pawticipation Part II ~ We has to give her a high since she just let us have a week long party. It's the only thing that pulled her buns out of the fire.
Client Satisfaction ~ we haven't heard any complaints so we will give her a High. If you thinks we were overly generous feel free to complain and we can change it.
Overall Rating ~ We guesses we will keep her and since we heard her mumbling something about a PET Performance Review we will give her a High, just to be safe. You don't think she could possibly be dissatisfied with US do you?

- I Am Watching Lucky Catastrophe, Are You?
CATastrophes is one of our favorite shows, we eagerly await a new episode. Now you may think Socks is the only one around here interested in watching CATastrophes, but we all love it. If you don't already you should subscribe here. Lucky CATastrophe...

- Fenris Friday
 Remember last week I told you about the neat prizes Scylla won from Zee & Zoey, well this is another one of the prizes, and Scylla graciously shared this prize with ME!!!!!  It is a designer ceramic water fountain from Thirsty Cat Fountains,...

- Tsarina Tuesday
 I take my job as Scylla;s personal trainer very seriously. I am trying to get her to come down and play with me but she is being stubborn and insisting on sitting on the desk. I am sure I don't know why she doesn't want to come down and...

- Party! Party! Party!!!!
Socks, MoMo and some other bad kitties went clubbing last night and worried Mommy sick. Apparently they thought Mommy wouldn't miss them with all the other cats and dogs here. They seem to be very sleep tonight, so we needs to be quiet...

- Twins On Tuesday ~ Scylla & Charybdis Do The Honest Meme
Derby the Sassy Cat gave us this pawsome award. See Socks' post below for the rules and all that. We thought we would show you this old picture of us that was trapped on Mommy's cell phone before we get started. It's not very good quality...

