Tsarina Tuesday

Tsarina Tuesday

 I take my job as Scylla;s personal trainer very seriously. I am trying to get her to come down and play with me but she is being stubborn and insisting on sitting on the desk. I am sure I don't know why she doesn't want to come down and play. I am having a marvelous time playing.

 Fenris is always willing to play with me and he assures me he would play with Scylla too if she would cooperate. She alas is very uncooperative.  I guesses we are making progress on her getting along with Fenris though she isn't growling or hissing. Socks is in here too, he is up on the file cabinet so Mommy has all four of us in the same room. She just can't get a picture of all of us cause we are so spread out. I thinks Mommy's shoes would make a great toy, but both Mommy and Fenris insist I has to leave them alone.

I am trying to find another toy to play with. Maybe if I can find one Scylla likes she will come down and play with me and Fenris. ~Arty Mouse

- Mancat Monday
 I am hanging out with my siblings today. Mommy got three of us in a picture, the only one of us furries missing is Scylla.  I like to visit with Fenris, but I have no desire to play with him.  Arty on the other hand wants to love all over...

- Fenris & The Felines By Socks
Mommy, this is ridiculous you need to put the Santa stuff up. It is almost Spring. Honestly, our Mommy is a real slacker sometimes. But at least she got our blog ready for Spring. Fenris wants me to play with him, but well frankly I am to old to play...

- Three Of You For Joey Cartwright Graves Iii
Joey tagged our Mommy on Face Book so we thoughts us cats and Fenris would answer on the blog. We aren't tagging anyone but feel free to answer the questions and post them on your blog or in our comments. Three people I love - Mommy Daddy & The...

- Artemisia
I am practicing my sketching. I am taking a break from my artistic endeavors to play. I like to play with Fenris' Kong Where did it go Mom? We thoughts you would like to know more about me. My real name is Artemisia but Mommy is the only one who calls...

- Artemisia @ Play
I love to play and I love all the toys that we have here. I am getting along better with Scylla. We actually sleep with each other sometimes. She still gets all hissy & growly when I pounce on her and she doesn't want to play. Socks says I...

