An Agrarian Lifestyle....With Gratitude

An Agrarian Lifestyle....With Gratitude

It's late afternoon, Thursday.
I am sitting here typing with a terra-cotta pot's worth of soil trapped beneath my nails.
My clothes, jeans and a long sleeved tee shirt, act as a steel trap for countless tiny pieces of hay...
which seem to find their way into every crack and crevice on my body.
I've not showered yet (soon to be rectified)...
in fact, I am pretty sure that I have not even combed my hair!
Despite my grungy looks, I am as happy as I could be...
as happy as a pig in a pool!

Oh, and check out how MaryAnn likes to get a drink....

Perhaps I need to install a water fountain for her!

It's been a good day.
My chores are done.
I've trimmed some hooves.
I gathered 5 1/2 dozen eggs (a record!)

The horses and donkeys have all been out to graze and are now napping in their paddocks.
(Everyone came back in, willingly, today!)

I've planted some seeds in the greenhouse.
And earlier plantings are thriving.

In my greenhouse are tomatoes, peppers, cukes, squash, flowers,
ground cherries, corn, popcorn, tomatillos (purple), green beans, celery, 
purple broccoli, orange cauliflower, Christmas tree cauliflower, and herbs.

My garden is getting better day by day.
The 150 strawberry plants have all grown and will soon blossom.

In the ground, already, are carrots (red, orange and purple), broccoli,

turnips, beets, spinach, kale,

parsnips, broccoli, sugar peas, radishes, Swiss chard,

cabbage (red and green), leeks and onions (several varieties).

I spent some time, today, planting rutabagas, cauliflower, purple kale and another rhubarb plant.

And so I end my day grimy, but satisfied.
I love this lifestyle.
The work is's tiring.
But, there is great satisfaction in working the earth and caring for it's creatures.
It's quiet and peaceful; and it fills every crack in my soul with gratitude...
gratitude for the opportunity to live like this... to work like this...
and to reap the fruits of my labor.

Gratitude for the magic of this beautiful world...
where placing a tiny seed into the soil begins a process that ends with a
miraculous living organism that provides food to nourish our bodies.

It just doesn't get any better than that!

And now I will quickly get a shower and try to look civilized when Hubbs comes home!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend...
and if you have a chance...
dig in the dirt.
Plant some food.
And think about the wondrous miracle that each seed holds within it!

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