Garden explosion!!

Garden explosion!!

It seems like just yesterday, I was planting seeds in tiny pots in the greenhouse. Now, months later, cold weather is just a memory and the dog days of August are upon us, and those tiny seedlings are mature plants bursting with produce. Thirty tomato seedlings were transplanted into the garden late in May and we watched them struggle to get a foothold. Now, there are 30 strong plants loaded with big juicy fruit.

Our green beans have grown to the top of the garden fence, survived a Japanese beetle attack and have gone on to yield a few bushels of beans. Here is Becky standing next to the bean vines (Becky is almost 6 feet tall)....

Each day brings a harvest of tomatoes, peppers, corn, green beans, peas, zucchini, cucumbers, summer squash, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. Countless hours have been spent to preserve this bountiful harvest for use during the winter months. The real work the height of tomato harvest we will be cooking and canning for many hours.....salsa, sauce, stewed tomatoes.....and more.

Just for fun, Becky planted pumpkins. She hopes this pumpkin will reach prize-winning is well on its way! Even if it does not win, we can put wheels on it and use it as Cinderella's coach!

- This Is How We Eat...
We are in the midst of summer harvest season here on the farm.The garden is exploding with tomatoes, peppers, squash, eggplant, onions, garlic, herbs,beans, and so much more. Every year at this time, I get several questions about what I do with all of...

- Normalcy Restored
Normalcy has returned to the excitement (thank heavens!) Today we are spending the day transplanting all of our seedlings from our greenhouse into our garden. Little tiny corn plants, and popcorn, too! Tomatoes and squashes.... Peppers and...

- Autumn Gardening
Amazingly, it is mid October and soon the end of this year's gardening season.You wouldn't guess that, though, if you looked at my garden.So much of it is still going strong. The garden fences are totally covered in flowering vines and gourds...just...

- Garden Views
I am so happy I could just dance! "Why?"  you ask. Because gardening in my raised boxes is such a joy.... and the boxes are growing like gangbusters!This box is loaded with sugar peas and a couple of cabbages in the front. The sugar peas are just...

- Minerva, Master-weeder
Amazingly, since Minerva has taken up residence in the garden, it is virtually weed free (we won't mention that I spent the entire past week on my hands and knees). Regardless, the garden is the best it has ever looked at this point of the season....

