Annie, The Activities Director

Annie, The Activities Director

"Ok, guys, here's the game.  I run and you chase.  Got it?"

"When I crouch down like this...that means ready-set-go!"


"Look guys, the game is really simple.  I run.  You chase.  You win!"

"Isn't anyone interested in playing?"

All:  "You don't understand, Annie.  Goats don't chase.  We only run if someone is chasing US!"

Annie:  "Well, that's not fair, cause I'm not allowed to chase you.  You have to chase me...
or there's no game."

"Ok, I give up. Goats are boring."

Let's take a little peek into the greenhouse.
It looks as though our greenhouse veggies are growing.

We might even have sugar peas in time for Christmas!

We have had no sun for the past few days.  It seems we are in the midst of a pretty impressive fog event.  Yesterday's high was only 38 degrees.
And yet, down in the city it reached 55 degrees.

- Silly Saturday By Artemisia
 Me and Scylla are playing chase. The cooler Fall weather has us feeling frisky.  I am stalking a bug.  Now it is time for a nice wiggle on the rocks. They are nice and warm from the sun.  Guess I'll get a drink of water before...

- Annie's Job
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- Sam And Gracie's Playdate
Sitting quietly against the fence in the goat pasture,I witnessed this scene yesterday afternoon. Missy to Nettie, "What is that out in the pasture?""I'm not sure," Nettie whispered back.  "It seems to be all legs and they're writhing every...

- Equi-canine Playtime
With help like this, who needs farmhands?? Every morning and evening as I clean up after the horses,Sammy and Ollie play their favorite game.It's a universal game for children of all species, all over the world. Known to most of us as "Tag", Sammy...

- Are These Goats Spoiled
Yesterday was a rainy day on the farm.Do you know what spoiled goats get when it rains??Room Service!Fainting goats hate the rain.They flat refuse to come outside...even to eat! Those chubby Dwarf Nigerians have not figured this tactic out,...

