Annie's Job

Annie's Job

I've mentioned before that this little girl loves to play chase.
It's not that she likes to chase the animals...
no... her idea of fun is for them to chase her.

(Sadly, photos do no do this little girl justice.  Her personality more than makes up for her beady little eyes!)
A few weeks ago I thought I might turn this game into a job for little Miss Annie.

Every day when it's time to bring in the equines,
Moonbeam and the ponies come running.
The Littles... well, they need a bit more coaxing.

So, Annie has become the perfect working dog.
Here she is at work yesterday afternoon...

Some days I only have to tell her once 
and she goes running down through the pasture to gather the Littles.
Yesterday she needed a little more coaxing.
Still, it saves me a lot of footwork and headache.

There is never any issue with these two coming in.
They are always quite happy to be wherever I am...
so as soon as I call them, they come running.

We nuzzle and smooch and just hang out for several minutes.

I stick my nose into their coat and breath deeply.
There's something wonderful about the way that donkeys smell.

And something even better about the way they love attention
and give it right back!

Just like babies, they love putting things in their mouths.

While I was sitting there, they nibbled on my boots, camera strap, sleeve...
but luckily not on me.

There are so many precious lives here to attend to.

And for all the care that they require...

they give something so very special right back to me.

Goodbye for now, sweet donkey....
I'll be back to see you later!

Last on my list was working with Red.

We had another long-reining practice session,
and I am happy to say that he now "gets" the idea that he is supposed to march onward when I am behind him.
We still need a lot of work on his right and left turn signals....
but with time I am sure he'll completely understand what it is I am asking of him.

This little guy never ceases to amaze me!

And last, but not least...
look how we've changed in the past three months!

I am spending today with this little pink fairy.
Oh, what fun we will have!

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