Another Nutcase

Another Nutcase

"The church has failed to see the importance of the history of the past," Baird said. "All of a child's education from kindergarten all of the way through is based on evolution, which is not only wrong and unscientific, it leads them away from the God of the Bible and the Bible. And that is why I think we're losing so many of our kids once they get into high school. Well, they're already indoctrinated and fully engrossed in humanistic, naturalistic reasons and answers for everything and they don't see how the Bible fits."

Baird started his ministry as field trips for churches and homeschool groups to "edify and equip" the saints, he said.

I homeschool and we teach evolution. This is one amusement park/museum I'll steer clear of. And prey tell how is evolution unscientific, it's this nonsense that is unscientific.

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