Evolution Resource

Evolution Resource

For those of you teaching evolution check out PBS's Evolution Project.

I discovered a blog I really like Red State Rabble, they seem to cover evolution, science, separation of church and state, civil liberties and censorship. Wonderful evolution and science resources in the sidebar. That's where I found the PBS Evolution Project.

- What Is An Evolved Homeschooler?
A friend noticed the evolved homeschooler emblem on my blog and she asked me what it meant. For me it simply means that I TEACH EVOLUTION. It's really tiresome when people assume I am a creationist simply because I homeschool, this is my way of letting...

- Another Nutcase
"The church has failed to see the importance of the history of the past," Baird said. "All of a child's education from kindergarten all of the way through is based on evolution, which is not only wrong and unscientific, it leads them away from the...

- Brownback, Huckabee & Tancredo Don't Belive In Evolution
In the "gotcha" question of the first GOP debate, journalist Jim VandeHei, relaying a citizen's question, asked John McCain: "Do you believe in evolution?" A natural response might have been, "Well, that depends on how you define evolution." It would...

- Why Teach Anything?
Meet our new friend, Georgia State House Rep. Ben Bridges (R), chairman of the retirement committee in the state house. Bridges is now in a bit of trouble for spilling the beans about evolution being the product of a Pharisee Jew conspiracy to bamboozle...

- Mississippi Returns To The Dark Ages
HB 625 - Introduced by Representative Mike Lott, would require the teaching of creationism or intelligent design in SCIENCE classrooms if evolution is taught The school board of a school district may allow the teaching of creationism or intelligent design...

