As Requested: Saturday Encore: What A Trip!

As Requested: Saturday Encore: What A Trip!

A Saturday surprise for those of you who stopped by....
a re-post of the day that Ginger and MaryAnn came to live on the farm:

As written October 31, 2011......

Oh my....
so much to show and tell!

First of all, thank you so very much for all the well wishes
with regards to my broken rib and Moonbeam's hoof abscess.....
we are both starting to mend.

Now for the weekend road trip....
(Just about every roadblock imaginable was thrown in front of us
as we were preparing to depart...but eventually Amanda and I got on our way.)

We left Friday with blue skies...
an amazingly beautiful autumn day.
The sights along the way were breathtaking and quite colorful.

We passed through the peak of autumn's color.

Most of the trip was through rural countryside,
with lots of photo opportunities.

And lots of willing subjects....

Ah....our destination.
Well, almost, we had about four and a half hours to go from this point...

We arrived at Verde Farm around supper time, with just enough daylight to show you
our wonderful accommodations...
Verde Cottage.

This was my room for the night...
Absolutely adorable!

With just the sweetest cottage bathroom....

The view from the cottage is Amy's lovely home and gardens.
Just beyond the house is Verde Farm,
home to Bantam chickens, miniature Sicilian donkeys, ducks,
Kunekune pigs and piglets
(the whole reason for our road trip.)

Thank you Amy for being such a gracious hostess
and providing such welcoming accommodations!

Saturday morning, after a refreshing night's sleep,
we loaded up our two little girl piggies,
Ginger and MaryAnn,
and headed back to PA.

We left home on a beautiful Autumn day,
and returned home with this weather...

Freezing rain and ice in the mountains of West Virginia soon turned into
a blinding snowstorm that followed us the whole way home.

Nine hours later, we reached our little valley
with its familiar Amish buggies.

Ginger and MaryAnn weathered the trip pretty well,
sleeping most of the way.
A couple of instances of motion sickness gave us some anxiety...
MaryAnn vomited a few times,
but soon settled down and napped.

Once home, the girls settled into their new home
(our largest stall in the barn)
and were greeted by a couple of the dogs and the barn kitties.

And for the moment you have been waiting for....
Here are the girls!

Their first meal in their new home....

Leo loves the piggies!
We have even found him curled up asleep beside them.

MaryAnn loves Leo!

Sammy was quite curious and a little nervous.
The piggies were ready to make more friends.

Bobby was curious, but unimpressed.

Here is sweet little Ginger,
our beauty queen!

I will have lots more pictures to share with you as the days pass.

For now, I just have to tell you....
I am in love!
These two little girls are sweet, and affectionate,
amazingly clean and odorless
(they are herbivores)
and unbelievably smart.

Thank you, thank you Amy and Richie...

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