Moving Day

Moving Day

It was a big weekend for Gracie and the twins, as well as Ginger and MaryAnn.

Gracie and the girls spent their first day in their new enclosure...
as neighbors to the pigs.

With dogs safely and temporarily stowed behind the garden fence...
I worried that three dogs trying to play with lambs might lead to bedlam...

I headed down the drive from the barn to their enclosure with a halter and lead on Gracie.

The twins followed along...
what a big adventure!

We trekked the 130 yards down the driveway without incident.

Once inside the yard, Amanda closed the gate and Gracie was let loose.

Off they went exploring.

What fun...lots of room to run and play and lots of areas to explore.

The twins were particularly interested in climbing trees.

Ginger and MaryAnn were intrigued with their new neighbors,
and spent most of the day at the fence.

A few times they got close enough to enjoy a nice visit over the fence.

And then MaryAnn made a discovery...
she LOVES Ritz crackers!
Ginger... not so much.

At the end of the day, with crackers in hand,  I called to Grace.

All three girls came running...

right to me...

Crackers were given as reward, and back to the barn we walked.
For now, they are spending their nights in the barn...
that gives me a little better access to the lambs....for the purpose of socialization.

Sunday was a repeat of Saturday...and all was well with the sheep.

I spent the weekend gardening and watering...

another week and everything should be planted.
If you'd like, I'll do a video tour of the gardens at some point.

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