Autumn Perfection

Autumn Perfection

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, 
and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth 
seeking the successive autumns

George Eliot

It seems to me that there is no more perfect time than just after sun-up on a
crisp autumn morning.

I know that the equines share this sentiment,
and take every opportunity to kick up their heels in merriment.

Yesterday gifted us with one of these perfect mornings.

The temperature, at 37 degrees, gave the horses and donkeys energy to burn;
and burn it they did!

By mid morning the temperature warmed considerably,
making the day perfect for farm guests.

Amanda had her workmates up to the farm for an open house and luncheon.
I was thrilled to find out that this group included one adorable,
curly red haired 2-year-old named Mia.

If you have read my blog for a while, then you know how much I love the farm
as seen through the eyes of a child.

This particular little girl brought out the best in all of our animals...
their gentlest loving natures...

as if they realized that she was young and small and perfect.

I suggested to Mia's mommy that we make a trade.
I would graciously allow her to take Sammy home with her
if she would leave Mia with us!

Sam's still here....

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- Picture Perfect
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