Ayres Rock

Ayres Rock

Photo by Gracie
front~l-r: Charlotte, Gracie, Scylla & Socks
back~ Karl & Ruis. . . 
Thank cat for the time difference and the teleporting thing. I was able to teleport home to do my gardening post Thursday and still get back here in time for the trip to Ayres Rock. Silly Gracie is holding the rock up with her paw. Karl & Ruis are plotting how to climb to the top of it ME, I am just wondering what we are going to eat for dinner and when. All this exercise and traveling is making me ravenous. I could eat a Kangaroo. ~Scylla

- Party Time
Photograph by Karl : Fenris, Gracie, Mrs Oz, Olive, Charlotte, Asta, Socks Back Row: Karl, Ruis, Gigi, Scylla & Tuiren Well I had a lot of FUN on the train, until Fenris drug me off. He said that Scylla was howling about her new clothes being left...

- Sergi
Many of you remember Karl from The Cat Realm and his husband Ruis.  Ruis' family got a new member: a 3 year old podenco named sergi who flew in from a shelter in spain yesterday! Of course the gang got together and organized a surprise party...

- Australia With Gracie
Photo by Gracie  l-r: Charoltte, Asta, Gracie, Olive, Scylla, Karl & Socks  Watching over us: Angel Momo Well Socks finally got our teleporting machine fixed so we teleported over to Australia. Gracie and her niece Olive had just arrived...

- Uh-oh! Over The Falls We Go By Socks
Well it looks as if  Karl & Ruis who started this madness survived OK. Barney & Gracie don't look so good. Asta and Stanley had a rough ride also. As for me and MoMo we were lucky the Maid of the Mist was around to rescue us. I don't...

- Socks & The Flying Carpet
(MoMo, Socks & Sassy picture by Karl) MoMo and Sassy came picked me up on the flying carpet. I have to tell you flying carpets are pawsome. It's like being curled up on your favourite carpet at home and then you are wherever you want to go and...

