Party Time

Party Time

Photograph by Karl : Fenris, Gracie, Mrs Oz, Olive, Charlotte, Asta, Socks Back Row: Karl, Ruis, Gigi, Scylla & Tuiren

Well I had a lot of FUN on the train, until Fenris drug me off. He said that Scylla was howling about her new clothes being left on the train with us and that we had to take the suitcases to her ASAP. Scylla's suitcase weighed a ton, hasn't she ever heard of PACKING LIGHT. But carry the suitcases to them we did and thanks to Fenny using the GPS we even got there in time for the PARTY!!!!!!!

Photo by Karl

Since Sergi comes from Spain we decided to have foods he was accustomed to, we have paella and sangria, dig right in it sure is yummy. So load up your plates with paella and fill your glasses with sangria and have a good time!

Mrs. OZ is dancing the  flamenco, I will have to get her to teach me how to do that.

Please join us in welcoming Sergi to his new home.

On Bed: Tuiren & Sergi On Floor: Fenris, Scylla & Socks

Sergi is a very nice doggie and took the unexpected company in stride. Sergi had a huge adventure getting to his forever home.  He came from a Shelter in Malaga (Spain) and is about 3 years old. You can watch the shelter video here. He flew all the way to Amsterdam from Spain to find his forever family.

To visit the other members of "The Gang"  click the links to their blogs.
Karl & Mrs. Oz from The Cat Realm
Gracie from Goodness Gracie
Olive from Cat Naps in Italy (now in Indianan)
Charlotte and Gigi from Mieow
Asta from Asta's World 

Tuiren reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs

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