Back Up Plan

Back Up Plan

Yesterday was day one without water at the barn.
Getting water out to the animals was a matter of filling up 9 
three gallon watering cans at the house to haul around to birds and goats.
Luckily I had just filled the horses' troughs before the pump went out.

As for watering the garden....
(there is always a back up plan!)

Hubbs hauled this big water tank/wagon to the highest point of the garden
so that watering the garden boxes
could be accomplished by gravity flow.

The garden is really doing great...

green tomatoes are growing...

as are cucumbers.

(Remember last summer?  We had more cukes than we ever could have imagined.
This year I planted a few less plants
(but still plenty!)

In a few short weeks we should be up to our ears in fresh produce.

I thought you might enjoy a peaceful visit to the pond with me.
By the way, 16 of our 18 ducklings remain.

We lost two over the weekend...sad, but this is life at the edge of the wood.

Here, I saved you a seat....
(turn up your volume for sounds of the farm)
Thanks for the visit...
now I really must get back to work!
I hope your day is splendid...
I am sure mine will be.

- And Then There Were Fourteen
A week of rain has made outside work next to impossible.I did manage to get in an hour of weeding yesterday and completely cleaned up my asparagus patch. On my way to the garden, I stopped by the pond... a head count yielded 14 ducklings... down...

- Cat Naps
Ever wonder where the phrase "cat nap" came from? All you would have to do is to watch my barn kittiesand you would know how that phrase came to be! I spent yesterday morning watering.You see, we are going to Chicago for the rest of the week,and I wanted...

- Rainwater Collection
Last year we set up a system to collect the rainwater from the barn roof. As water flows into the gutters and downspouts, we collect it in a system of tanks for future watering use. We used 4 fifty gallon plastic drums from a local bakery (free) and connected...

- Ah, Fresh Water
During morning chores, we filled the watering trough in the pasture. It did not take long for the horses and ponies to wander down and check out what we were up to. Ah, there is nothing quite as tasty as fresh water right out of the well....Ava and Donnie...

To me, mornings on the farm are the best time of day. By 5:15 AM the air is filled with cheerful melodies as the wood thrushes call "eee-olaaaay" back and forth to each other. Most mornings are relatively the same...early rising followed by the same daily...

