And Then There Were Fourteen

And Then There Were Fourteen

A week of rain has made outside work next to impossible.
I did manage to get in an hour of weeding yesterday and completely cleaned up my 
asparagus patch.

On my way to the garden, I stopped by the pond...

a head count yielded 14 ducklings...

down by two.

I suppose this is to be expected as the pond is next to the woods
and there are so many predators around.
I found one of the baby ducks on the bank of the pond...
no obvious injuries.
That will remain a mystery.
The other...vanished.
We do our best to protect our friends, but nature is harsh.
Thankfully, ducklings grow rather quickly!

One thing I have learned in my time with the animals is:
they love routine... they even look forward to the special little times in each day.
For example...

Ginger and MaryAnn love my visits to the pigpen.
And MaryAnn's favorite daily tradition is to take a long swig of water from
the watering can after I have filled up their water tubs.

Isn't MaryAnn's little tongue adorable as she drinks!

Annie is another example.
Each morning and afternoon, as I head out to do chores...
she accompanies me on the gator.
She sits up so nice and stays in her seat while I tend to the animals.
It's a routine... and I think she looks forward to it.

Well, the weekend is upon us.
The preparations for the wedding shower are almost complete.
I will take lots of pictures and share with you on Monday.
We are to have stellar weather all weekend...
a welcomed break from this week's rain.

Look how beautiful the flowers, especially the begonias, are from all this rain....

Have a lovely weekend...and thanks so much for checking in on us here on the farm.

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- Maddie And The Ducklings
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- Tiny Miracles
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A whole year has passed since we bought our last batch of ducklings.We added a mixture (17) of Cayugas, Swedish, and Pekins to the pond;home, then, to the solitary Methuselah (Khaki Campbell drake.) Every day since the new ducks came,we go to the pond,...

