Banned Book Week ~Sandpiper Part 2

Banned Book Week ~Sandpiper Part 2

Chapter 3 -After her American History exam, Sandpiper heads into town to get lunch (she also hopes to see "Walker"). While she is at the dinner Derek & Andrew (2 guys she had briefly hooked up with) and their friend Hamilton come into the dinner and start hassling her and calling her derogatory names (the language is what you would expect from teenage boys with potty mouths). They imply that since she gave Derek & Andrew blow jobs she is obligated to give Hamilton one (icky). No one in the dinner attempts to help her and she flees. The boys follow her out and continue hassling her. Luckily Rags (her Dad) pulls up and gives her a ride home.

We also learn that she and Rags used to be best friends and hang out together until she reached puberty. Now Rags barely has anything to do with her.

- Banned Book Week ~ Sandpiper Part 7
Chapter 13 Rachael falls apart the morning of the big day, but Piper helps her pull herself together. The wedding goes off without a hitch and Walker shows up for the reception. He leaves when Rags starts to grill him about his name. Chapter 14 Nathan...

- Banned Books Week ~ Sandpiper Part 5
Chapter 6 Sandpiper goes to the beach with Rachel (her son to be step-sister). Derek, Andrew and Hamilton are at the beach and they hassle Sandpiper, they also threaten Daisy. Sandpiper is really scared of them and wishes she had someone to talk to....

- Banned Books ~ Sandpiper Part 4
Chapter 5 Sandpiper is taking her English exam. She really enjoys English and likes her teacher. She is writing a poem as part of the exam. She is the last one finished and as she leaves the teacher encourages her to take Honors English next year. Sandpiper...

- Banned Book Week ~ Sandpiper Part 3
Chapter 4 - (nothing anyone could possibly object to) Sandpiper finds Walker at the cemetery. They watch the sunset then walk to Weewinnet Beach where Walker finds a Duckfoot shell and gives it to Sandpiper. She learns that he visit the library in the...

- Banned Book Week Starts Today
Read the first chapter of Sandpiper and part of chapter two, so far I have only encountered two words that anyone could have a problem with (both are slang terms for the male anatomy). She talks about how in 8th grade her and her 2 friends were desperate...

