Banned Book Week ~ Sandpiper Part 3

Banned Book Week ~ Sandpiper Part 3

Chapter 4 - (nothing anyone could possibly object to) Sandpiper finds Walker at the cemetery. They watch the sunset then walk to Weewinnet Beach where Walker finds a Duckfoot shell and gives it to Sandpiper. She learns that he visit the library in the morning when it's empty except for old men reading the paper and that he lives in an apartment behind the Thai Seasons restaurant. He still won't tell her his name. She thinks about her friends Allie and Melissa and why they don't hang out anymore, and how they look down on her. Then she leaves to go home.

At the end of every chapter is a poem written by Sandpiper. This one I really like so I am including it here.


Shell with an angel wing, yellow
on the outside, pure white
inside, a weatherless tornado,
churning and hollow.

Boy with a leather jacket, quiet
on the outside, turbulent
inside. Sometimes his black eyes
churn; sometimes they're hollow.

Girl with an attitude, fearless
on the outside, paralyzed
inside. Her perfect shell covers
a churning heart, a hollow hell.

~Sandpiper Hollow Ragsdale

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- Banned Book Week
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